Dog Bite Attorney in Sugar Land
Dog Bite Lawyer in Sugar Land Helping Dog Bite Victims Recover Just Compensation.
Being attacked by a dog is a scary experience. According to the Centers for Disease Control, almost 1 in 5 people bitten by a dog require medical attention. When left untreated, an already painful dog bite can have serious complications such as infection. If you have been injured in an attack by a dog, seek medical attention immediately and report the bite. This is especially important if you are unsure whether the dog has received its rabies vaccine. Reach out to a trusted dog bite attorney in Sugar Land by contacting Fazli Law Firm. We represent victims of dog bites and dog attacks so that they can seek compensation for lost wages and the damages they have sustained as a result of the attack.
Dog Bite Laws
When a person is injured in a dog attack, we usually hold the animal’s owner accountable for paying damages. Most states have strict liability statutes that make a dog’s owner financially responsible when the dog bites someone. This is true even if the owner did not know that the animal had a propensity for such a violent act. In states with such a strict liability statute, the injured party does not have to prove that the dog owner was negligent or knew the animal could be dangerous. Under the Texas dog bite laws, the justification for strict liability dog bite statutes is that anyone who owns a dog should be responsible for any damage the animal causes; there are no excuses.
If you've experienced a dog bite in Sugar Land, it's essential to seek legal guidance from a dog bite attorney in Sugar Land who’s familiar with local laws, such as Fazli Law Firm. This will help you understand your rights and pursue fair compensation. In some states without strict liability laws for dog owners, there may be a "one-bite rule." This means that unless the owner had prior knowledge of the dog's aggressive behavior, they may not be held responsible for a dog bite or attack. However, if the dog had shown previous signs of aggression, the owner may be liable for compensating the victim of a dog bite.
This method of holding a dog owner responsible is also available in states with strict liability statutes. In legal terms, it would seek recovery from the liable party under a negligence theory. This essentially means that you are looking to hold a party responsible because the other party knew or should have known that the dog had violent tendencies and failed to keep others safe from being victimized by these tendencies.
It is also important to note that most dog bite laws include exceptions. Some of the most common exceptions to holding an owner responsible for injuries caused by his or her dog include when the victim was trespassing or in some way provoked the dog. Additionally, most dog bite laws are not applicable when the bite is due to a police dog performing official duties. If you've been bitten by a dog in Sugar Land and have questions about your legal rights, consult with a knowledgeable dog bite attorney in Sugar Land, such as Fazli Law Firm, to understand your options.
Fighting Back After a Dog Attack.
Being attacked by a dog is a traumatic event. In addition to the emotional toll it can take on a person, the physical injuries can be incredibly painful and have lasting effects. If you have been attacked or bitten by a dog, do not hesitate to contact Fazli Law Firm for a personal injury lawsuit or a dog bite claim as soon as possible. This type of personal injury claim is best handled right away.
Additionally, you do not want to wait until the statute of limitations has passed. A statute of limitations is the time you have to take legal action on dog bite claims. If you wait too long and the statute of limitations passes, you risk losing your right to seek just compensation for your injuries. Seek Fazli Law Firm, a dog bite attorney in Sugar Land, if you've been bitten by a dog in Sugar Land to ensure your rights are protected.
Dedicated Legal Representation for Personal Injury Cases
Fazli Law Firm provides expert legal services for a diverse array of personal injury cases. Our seasoned team is committed to aiding individuals who have suffered injuries due to the negligence or misconduct of others. We handle a wide range of cases, including:
Reach out to us today to discover how we can support you with your personal injury claim. Call us today for a free consultation.