Failure To Recognize Symptoms
Medical Malpractice Attorney
Failure to Recognize Symptoms
Failure to Recognize Symptoms Medical Malpractice Claims
When you go to the doctor, one of the first things you are likely to be asked is “How are you feeling?” This is the doctor initiating the diagnostic process. Listening to a patient describe how he or she is feeling, examining the patient, and reviewing relevant documentation such as patient history and lab results is how doctors arrive at a patient diagnosis. When a doctor fails to recognize symptoms a patient is experiencing, it can easily lead to a misdiagnosis or a missed diagnosis. Without a diagnosis or a proper diagnosis, it is unlikely that a patient will receive proper treatment. The condition they have may worsen in the meantime. They may receive the wrong medical care which can lead to other health complications.
A doctor is under an obligation to provide the level of medical care that a similarly situated, similarly educated doctor would provide to a patient under similar circumstances. When a doctor fails to uphold this requisite medical standard of care and a patient is harmed as a result, the patient may be able to seek compensation pursuant to a medical malpractice claim. Many medical malpractice cases involve misdiagnosis or missed diagnosis. These diagnostic errors often begin with things like a doctor’s failure to recognize symptoms. It can have serious implications for the health and well being of a patient. That is why the dedicated team of medical malpractice attorneys at Fazli & Associates is determined to pursue full and fair recovery for our clients. Victims of medical malpractice have already suffered so much. They deserve legal counsel they can count on.
Damages in a Failure to Recognize Symptoms Medical Malpractice Claim
Your damages in a medical malpractice claim, as with any personal injury claim, are those harms and losses you have suffered as a result of the negligence of another. In a medical malpractice claim, you can be compensated for harm incurred as a result of a doctor of other medical professional’s failure to provide adequate medical care. If there was a failure to recognize symptoms that should have been recognized had your doctor provided you with the standard of medical care you are entitled to, and you suffered losses as a result, then you can seek compensation for these losses (your damages) with a medical malpractice claim.
The key is that the damages you are seeking must have been directly caused by the medical negligence. For instance, failure to recognize symptoms may have led to you being improperly diagnosed. You may seek compensation for any unneeded medical care you received due to the improper diagnosis. If your medical condition worsened because there was a delay in you receiving necessary medical care due to the improper diagnosis, you may seek compensation for your pain and suffering as well as any medical expenses you incurred as a result of your condition worsening.
In general, a medical malpractice claim allows you to recover damages that include:
Cost of medical care
Cost of future medical care
Pain and suffering
Lost wages
Loss of earning capacity
Loss of enjoyment of life
Calculating damages in a medical malpractice claim is complex. It requires a thorough understanding of what can and cannot be included in the calculation. You must be able to support your damages claim with sufficient evidence. In order to be properly compensated, great care and attention to detail is needed. That is why the knowledgeable medical malpractice attorneys at Fazli & Associates work tirelessly to ensure that our clients are compensated for all of the losses they have suffered due to medical negligence. We listen to our clients, review all relevant medical records, comb through financial documents, and do everything in our power to make sure our clients recover all that they are legally entitled to recover.
Pursuing Just Compensation for Medical Malpractice Victims
We trust our doctors to properly treat us. They cannot properly treat us unless we are properly diagnosed. Errors such as failure to recognize symptoms are often preventable and often lead to diagnostic mistakes that can lead to the patient suffering great harm. If you have suffered due to medical negligence, Fazli & Associates is here to help. We stand by our clients and fight for them. Contact us today.